Thursday, April 28, 2011


I have been busy lately! My friend and I have been creating and crocheting, and crocheting and creating for what seems like forever without a break! We are having fun though! and are having some amazing creative sessions. I have also had the wonderful opportunity to teach someone the craft of crochet. I love teaching and highly suggest it to everyone out there! It is such a sharpening tool... After all, those who CAN... Teach! 

As a teacher, you return to the basics. This is a great review of all the techniques out there (I tend to tweak things a bit for design's sake), and it helps me to grow when she asks me questions. 

Currently, we are in the beginning stages, but I think she will be taking off soon! She has a great personality and I can't wait to see that reflected in her creations!!!

The important thing to remember when teaching is to always encourage to DO. If it doesn't come out just right, then do a few more to get the technique, and then pull it out and start again. Frustration builds when stitches are expected to be perfect form the start. NO ONE is perfect from the start! Haha :) Just do, and work on the technique. When you get it, that's when you start to make something fabulous! 

Until next time... chain, chain, chain.... wrap and pull, wrap and pull! 

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